Enjoy A Healthy Life
Enjoy A Healthy Life
Enjoy A Healthy Life
CITIKON株式會社 成立於2009年,主要從事食品和新鮮水果和蔬菜的出口(空運/海運)。 長期以來,食品污染問題層出不窮,也凸顯了食品安全監管問題。 如果消費者未能謹慎選擇成分,將會對您的健康造成長期損害。 CITIKON希望能讓消費者安心購買健康食材,因此創立CITIKON品牌,為消費者嚴格把關,選擇台灣合格有信譽的供應商,減少消費者買到受污染食品的機會。
CITIKON CO., LTD. was established in 2009, mainly engaged in the export of food and fresh fruits and vegetables (by air/sea). For a long time, food pollution problems have emerged one after another, which also highlights the problem of food safety control. If the consumer fails to choose ingredients carefully it will cause long-term damage to your health. CITIKON hopes to enable consumers to buy healthy ingredients with peace of mind, so it established the CITIKON brand, Strictly check for consumers, selecting qualified and reputable suppliers in Taiwan to reduce the chances of consumers buying contaminated food.